Survive Said The Prophet
You'll step then fall just to see If anybody would catch you at all You'll run then stall well who would follow you that can follow through When you're on your own Well are you on your own Have you ever felt the distance from crowded rooms that could place you on your own Have you ever felt alone and lonely even when you hear them singing alone when everybody's singing Can you ever break this distance in crowded rooms that have placed us on our own Could you let yourself be broken from hiding every melody we use to sing Every melody we use to sing We'll step then fall cause we didn't have each other to hold in our arms We'll run then stall I couldn't follow you or just follow through When we're on our own Well are we on your own I couldn't even deny it That everything just reminds me of what I could have and should have done for you But here I am I am standing Here I am I am holding Holding on to something We'll step then fall cause we didn't have each other to break down these walls We'll run then stall I couldn't follow you or just follow through When we're on our own Well are we on your own (対訳) 1歩踏み出しても、転んでしまうのは君が1人だから? 走り出しても、遅くなってしまうのは君が1人だから? 支えてくれる人はいないの? 周りにとけ込めなかった事ってある? 自分だけが心の中で、孤独を感じていた時もあるだろう 群衆の中で孤独な俺らが、2人きりになったとき あのメロディーをまた口ずさめるかな? 一緒に踏み出しても、お互い違う気持ちだったのかな 一緒に走り出しても、違う道に入り込んでしまうのは ずっと一人だったからなのかな? 周りを見渡せば、自分の中の後悔に 囲まれてしまっていた 何かにしがみつきながらも自分の足でここに立つ 俺はここにいるんだ 一緒に踏み出しても転んでしまう。支えられなかった 一緒に走り出しても、追いかけられなかった 俺は俺の道を行く 君は君の道を行け
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