あなたのママは マシューおじさんの 牧場で生まれたの。 それはそれは 立派なブタでね 本当によく太ったわ とっても高く 売れたと言ってね、 そうそうよく覚えている Your Mammy is a pig So great pig But she said everyday Don't eat me Oh-oh please please Don't eat me BOO she is no more あなたの使命 果たすべきことは 私のため太ること ここで1番 ヤミーなごちそう 毎日たべたでしょう? ママより高く 売れたと言ってね 大いばりができるわ Your Mammy is a pig So great pig But she said everyday Don't eat me Oh-oh please please Don't eat me BOO she is no more 愛しているの ベイビーあなたをね 冗談よ 手離したりしないわよ 日曜すぐに教会の後 ソーセージにしましょう あなたを食べる 独りで食べるの 心配などしないでね 一滴の血も 残したりしない 私だけのmy baby Your Mammy is a pig So great pig But she said everyday Don't eat me Oh-oh please please Don't eat me BOO she is no more My Dear Pig is you (対訳) Your mama was born at Uncle Matthew's farm. She was a really great pig and she gained so much fat. She was said to be sold for a high price yeah, I remember that clearly your mammy is a pig such a great pig but she said everyday "don't eat me" "Oh-oh, please please don't eat me" BOO she is no more (here) Your mission yes, what you have to achieve is to get fat for me You've eaten the most yummy foods in this farm, haven't you? You'll be able to be proud of yourself being sold more expensive than your mama your mammy is a pig such a great pig but she said everyday "don't eat me" "Oh-oh, please please don't eat me" BOO she's no more (here) I love you baby, yes you I was just kidding I am not gonna release you On Sunday after the church Let's make you into sausage I will eat you eat you by myself don't worry I am not gonna leave one single drop of your blood you're my only baby your mammy is a pig such a great pig but she said everyday "don't eat me" "Oh-oh please please don't eat me" BOO she is no more (here) My Dear Pig is you
[ 広告 ]