3,2,1 and GO! Hi pressure, Limiter 無いね Breake's breaking. I can't stop. Fly to higher. そのまま限界まで飛ばして行けるはずだ GO! Super Hero, 華麗に披露 Your passion Ready steady GO! GAME OVER なんてオーバーだ 自分に中指立てろ GUYS I'm just a challenger. あと一歩だけ前を踏んで I'm just a challenger. クソみてえな自分に GO AWAY! Everybody raise your hands. Catch the air and top of the world. Everybody raise your hands. Push your back. Everybody raise your hands. Catch the air and top of the world. Are you ready? Game starts. 3,2,1, GO! Shake your body. Close your eyes. 熱くなっていいじゃん Close your eyes. 自分に負けんのか? No no Wake up baby. Believe yourself. Wake up baby. 勝ちに行け Wake up baby. Believe yourself. Shake your body.